
26th Brussels Tournament

26th Brussels Tournament on Oct. 29th and 30th: information (English) and online registration

26e Tournoi de Bruxelles les 29 et 30 octobre: information (français) et inscription en ligne

26str Brussels Go Tornooi 29-30 Oktober, 2011: informatie (Nederlands) en online registratie

WAGC 2011

Jan Ramon 4d was representing Belgium in 2011 World Amateur Go Championship in Japan!

With 3 victories out of 8 rounds (with a hard pairing), he ended 25th in a field of 57 competitors.

Final winner was Bai, the Chinese representative, who remained unbeaten.
2nd was Korean Choi.
3rd, and best Western player, was Eric Liu from USA.
4th, and best European contender, was the Frenchman Thomas Debarre.
5th, and oldest participant (85 y old !): Hirata from Japan (former winner - in 1995).

Find a nice report here:
(and discover f.i. the incredibly original openings played by the Polish player :-)

WAGC web site

I wanna go to Japan!

Go4 Japan - 9 and 10 April 2011

First Pandanet Go European Team Championship

Belgium is proud to be part of the First Pandanet Go European Team Championship. Here are our (already) glorious team members (with their IGS IDs):

  • Jan Ramon, 4d, janr
  • Lucas Neirynck, 4d, Cucurucucu
  • Benjamin Gigot, 1d, Pinchilei
  • Nelis Vets, 1d, Nelis
  • Kwinten Missiaen, 2d, Kwik
  • Christopher Annachachibi, 1d, HisokaH
  • Dominique Versyck, 1k, dversyck
  • Michael Meeschaert, 1k, Boobookan
  • Kristof Bossee, 1d, karmeliet
  • Marie Jemine, 3k, Shanti
  • Vincent Lochen, 4k, GFox

To follow the championship, join the EuropeanTeampChamp on IGS (type F5). I hope you enjoy watching our games online!

3rd edition of Gent Go Tournament

The 3 and 4 July, the Gent Go Club will organise the Gent Go Tournament 2010.

More information :
Online registration :

31st World Amateur Go Championship

This year, the WAGC is held in Hangzhou, China, from May 24 to May 31.

Belgium is represented by Alain Wettach.

You can follow the championship at :

Louvain-La-Neuve Tournament

The 14th Louvain-La-Neuve tournament will take place on 1st and 2nd November. More info :
- In French
- In Dutch
- In English

The 2008 European Go Congress


Winner of the 2008 open european go championship is (expectfully) one
of the 7-d Coreans.

Winner of this edition is Park Jong Wook, only player with 9 victories.
2nd is another 7-d Corean, and 3rd the Taiwanese competitor, Lai Yu-
Cheng (who ended 2nd in the 2004 WAGC and 5th in the 2007 WAGC).

The best European player is Catalin Taranu (5-p) from Romania, who
ended as 6th with 7 victories, just one litlle SOS-point ahead of
Alexander Dinerstein (3-p), and 4 SOS-points ahead of the other Russian
favourite and winner last year, Ilya Chikchine.

Our Corean guest, Kim Jung Hyeop, made pretty good with 8 victories
(among wich one against Dinerstein)!

The results of the participating Belgian were rather good.
In particular, Thomas Connor did very well as 2-d with 7 victories, and
is now promoted to 3-d level. Congratulations to him !

All the results here

Belgian Rengo Championship 17/05/2008

The tournament was won by

  1. Leen Willaert and Jan Ramon
  2. Seung Hee Hong and Benjamin Gigot
  3. vincent Lochen and Anhony Mariotti

More information here

Remind : 1st Antwerp Go Tournament

26/27 April the Antwerp Go Club organises its first Open Tournament on the same location as the preliminaries of the Belgian Championship.
More information here.

You can register online here.

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